Nate's has 2 Primary Diagnosis. The long list of others are Secondary....
Nate was diagnosed on 9/19/2005 with Chiari Malformation 0 (from a head MRI done 10/04) and he has a Syrinx (on T2), a small tumor on his spinal cord referred to as Syringomyelia (MRI done 9/9/05)..Click here for info:
~Syringomyelia~ or ~Syrinx or Syringomyelia~
This is causing him to have reoccuring headaches, back, hip, and leg pain. And what they feel is irreversable Neurological damage (ie. eye rolling, and no sensation to hot).
Nate also has a Rare Auto Immune Disease known as Eosinophilic Gastrointestinal Disorder or EGID Click Here:
~What is EGID?~
It effects his entire GI Tract, top to bottom. Nate is unable to tolerate any foods, and relies strictly on an Amino Acid Based Formula known as Neocate One Plus as his sole source of nutrition.It is not known if Nate will ever be able to tolerate food of any type again (to date he has failed apple x4, banana, green bean x2,cantalope, rice x2,watermelon, grapes,kiwi, sweet potatos, green peas, brown sugar and marshmallows).

Nate also has Chronic GERD, Chronic Aspiration, Chronic Lung Disease,Asthma,Right Upper and Right Medial Lobe Atelectisis,Laryngomalacia, Tracheomalcia, Delayed Esphogeal Emptying, Anemia, Many Food Allergies, Inhaled Latex Allergy, Multiple Environmental/Seasonal Allergies,Heterochromia (eyes of 2 different colors),Recurring Headaches, Hypotonia, Mild Hyperlordosis, Hypermobility of Joints,Disruptive Behavior Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Cognitive Delays, Moderate Sensory Integration Dysfunction, and Moderate to Severe Speech and Developmental Delays(age equivalent 30 months). He's been hospitalized 34 times. With 20 being for Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Nate also takes 14 various medications a day, and requires frequent breathing treatments.

Nate recieves OT, Speech, Physical Therapy,Aquatic Therapy and soon starting Mommy and Me Gymnastics (for whole body strength building). He has severe Hypotonia. His Developmental Pediatrican told us that most children with this degree of low muscle tone do not walk. Nate was a late walker, but bless his heart he did it. Nates speech is still pretty impaired. Zachary and I are the only ones that can understand him most of the time. He has about 30 words and he's beginning to use them in hard to understand sentences, and is improving weekly. He's been recieving therapy services for 24 months. I decided to stop the Behavior Modification for now. Nate is now going to ~Angel Heart Farm~ for Equastrian Type Therapy. He loves all the animals there!!. After much thought, research, and support I decided to give the medications a try for his problems, but we had first tried lots of extra love and hugs, lots of therapy, and just prayer. After a followup with his DP, Nate finally received a diagnosis of Disruptive Behavior Disorder and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
Nate is a happy fun-loving 3 yr old.. He LOVES Trains, Thomas the Train, Spiderman, Scooby Doo,Incrediables, Sponge Bob, Spy Kids, and Stitch. He is the light of our lives, and he and his big brother Zachary have a very special bond. Nate brightens everyday, and he's my shining star in the night when he's awake because he feels bad. 

Nate attends preschool 2 days a week for 4 hrs each day. He's at the same school as his big brother, but in the Special Needs Preschool. He LOVES going to school, and they are doing really good with him :)

Update: March 22, 2006

Nate's Upper GI is tomorrow at 1:45, and Zach has already been up twice with a tummy ache..OH NOOOO!!!
I had to cancel the last Upper GI because Zach had that weird rash, and now he may be getting sick. This has to be done by Monday at 2:40, before the surgical consult.
Holy Cow!! One kid at a time here...LOLOL
Just wanted to update real quick. I will update again tomorrow with test results.
Love, Ashlie