Kaitlyn is six years old she was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma Stage IV (At Age 3 and a half) on June the 21st 2003, N-MYC Non-Amplified, unfavourable shimada. With a tumour filling her abdomen, which had spread to her neck, knees, hips and cells in her bone marrow lining, she has been placed on a tough treatment protocol (COG ANBL00P1), which consists of 5 rounds of high dose chemo, surgery to remove as much remaining tumour as possible, two rounds of mega chemo, with Double Stem cell Transplants/rescues, followed by 10 rounds of radiation and six months of Accutane. At diagnosis we were given the terrible odds of less than 20%.

Kaitlyn's current condition - "Stable Calcified Disease remaining" Unfortunately Neuroblastoma is a cancer with an extremely high relapse rate and currently there is no cure. Kaitlyn's odds are still low.

Update: June 9th, 2006

Our hospital visit was a good one. Kaity picked a white mud cake to present to staff, with the words "Thankyou ward 3B, Love from Kaitlyn" she loved handing that over herself whilst I was nervous it was going to end up on the floor.
Tash and Dawn met us there to keep us company for the day. Blood counts were all within normal limit. We didn't get back urine marker counts.
Weight 19.7kg
Height 115 cm
Dr Angela is looking into the cranial/facial specialist to see if anything can be done for her chin.
We missed private OT due to time limits. Will need to reschedule that soon.
Captain Starlight was on his last day at our hospital so we made our way up to see him before leaving. Of course he remembered her well and was happy to see her doing wonderfully. He mentioned it was his first few weeks at hospital when he met Kaitlyn, so he knew it was three years ago since diagnosis, he was very excited. I thanked him for everything he did for our family and he in return said the pleasure was his, he will always remember our girl.
Yesterday we met the lovely Jo from local Physio. Jo will continue to work with Kaity in school hours from Kaity's classroom. This saves me taking time from work and keeps Kaity in her safe enviroment.
Not much more to write, I am pooped, so much happening in my personal life at the moment. It's all good.
Rikki turns 16 next week, busy planning her party also. She decided on a stereo system for her birthday,... ouch for the neighbours, we sit at the bottom of a hill on an acre and sound carries so well here.... oops.