
Blake has Common Variable Immunodeficiency with Complete T-Cell Dysfunction. This means he can NOT fight off infections. The T-cells are the start of your immune System. They "Call" up the germ fighters to ward off infection.  What happens with Blake, is his T-cells can not distinguish a good cell from a bad cell. So, by the time you have gotten over a sinus infection in a few days after antibiotics, Blake has a full blown bacteria infection that takes over his whole body.  He does receiver IV infusions of Gammuglobulin(IVIG) every other week.  Some moths it is twice, some it is 3 times.  Most people when they have to receive IVIG it is only once every month(28 days). But Because Blake has NO immunity to colds or whatever is out there, he gets it more often.  He has received ALL of his immunizations but his immune system can not remember them.  Therefore he is more suspectiable to even the common childhood diseases that are around.
Blake has severe Asthma with Broncopulmonary Dysplasia(permanent scarring of the lungs), severe Gastroesophageal Reflux Desease(GERD). He will be undergoing the surgery to help correct this on Nov. 04, 2003(this is where stomach acid backflows into you esopahgus, throat sinuses & ears and the lungs causing more damage than anyone can ever imagine).  He has a rare bloodclotting disorder called Prothrombin Genetic Deffect. His liver does not make Heparin.  This is a natural enzyme that help filter your blood and keep it "clot free".  His heparin is given to him manually via a shot twice a day.
Blake has a pancreatic enzyme dificiency (trypsin).  He can NOT digest protein. Asperger's Syndrome(High functioning Autism), ADHD, Intersensory Motor skill delays. Osteoporosis.  His bone scan showed that he has the "bones of a 25-40 yr. old woman". Blake also takes Speech & Occupational classes weekly.
Blake is on complete homebound.  he has a teacher that comes in from the school on a daily basis Mon. -Fri(except when he is getting his infusion).  He is not allowed to go to stores, malls & the such except for the day of & 2 days after his infusion(we just got the Dr. to agree to this because this is when he has the most protection). Sooooo, we make the most of that week end.  Right now we are back to where he is not allowed to go into the church due to the "germmies" rolling around.

Blake's Web Site