Jason Green Jr

Hi my name is Jason. I am a miracle baby, that's what my Mommy and Daddy away's say to everyone.
God gave my the greatest parent's a child could ever want, God knew I was special so he gave me to a very special couple who had so much love for each other and knew that they would love me too because I was special they just didn't know how special I was yet.
I have Hurler Syndrome a rare disease without a bone marrow transplant I wouldn't be with my Mommy and Daddy today.
I have been thru alot in my first 5 year's of life, but it's getting better everyday.
I was 8 month's old when the doctor told my Mommy and Daddy what was wrong with me, and I was 21 month's old when I had my cord blood transplant.
Me and my parnet's went all the way to Minneapolis MN to help me get better. I went to see so many doctor's, had a lot of test done and had to take a lot of medicine some weren't that good, but I took them for my Mommy and Daddy because they told me that it was going to make me better.
Alot of people prayed for me and my parent's, and all of the prayer's were answered thank you to everyone who did I love you all, and thank you to the family who gave me the gift of life, my family and I wish we knew who you were.